The fight is exhausting

Fighting for your health and needs is so exhausting. 
Battling with doctors to hear you, see you, understand you, take you seriously, help you and send you to the right people to help you with your health issues just seems like too much to ask sometimes, doesn't it?
I know I'm not the only one who goes through this and that's so frustrating and sad to me. 
I think our medical system needs a serious reevaluation. 
On days like today where I feel I've been brushed off yet again and have to keep fighting and holding onto the end of the thread, I just want to scream. I want to lay down, and sleep it all away. 
But, then I snap back to reality and accept this is just part of the process. It shouldn't be, people who struggle with chronic illness shouldn't have to fight so hard, but yet we do. And I think it makes us stronger for it.
I have to keep going, we have to keep going even though sometimes we don't see or understand how things will work out.
Something that inspires me is knowing that there are others out there who have gone through the same struggles and they perservere. It encourages me to keep going, to not give up, so I can continue to grow in my journey and help others along the way.

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