Introduction post!

Hey there, my name is Casandra but I go by Cass! If you're seeing this, I just wanted to say thank you for joining me here on my blog.
This has been a dream of mine for awhile. 
My goal for this is to share many different aspects of life- my love for life and marriage, but also the hard aspects of life with a focus on Christ. 
I struggle with many health issues, some of them being chronic illness and that's part of what led me to creating this. 
I wanted this to be a safe place where I can share pretty much everything, with the intent of pointing everything back to God and how He gets me through it all, as ugly as life is sometimes. 
I also want this to be a place where I can bear my heart to others, in hopes of encouraging and supporting them, especially believers and those who struggle with chronic illness too.
And if neither of those things apply to you, I am still thankful you are here :) 
Thank you for joining me on my journey, here's to the future and all that it holds.


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